
thinking back

This crazy blizzard which brought about 3 feet of snow yesterday also brought me a pretty rough cold. It seems like I am sick more than I am not sick lately, which in itself is pretty bizarre since I don't remember ever being under the weather this often,  but colds are also nice (once the exhaustion and muscle aches fade away) because they force you to slow down (and get posts up.)

Last week I received an email from Ada with photos of two darling little dishes I had been working on when visiting late last year. Ada finished them up, doing all of the firing and perfectly painting the gold luster on the edges. Seeing them instantly transported me back to that awesome extended visit and my first little cold that I had while I was still in CA. I have to say that being sick in an indoor tent is pretty luxurious and I would recommend it, along with lemon ginger tea to anyone not feeling well!

images from top to bottom, left to right: the porcelain & gold edged bowls I made with the help of Ada @ TiffinStudios / delicious breakfast of super healthy crackers, dried mango, cheese and coffee / working from the dining table & fresh herbs growing in the kitchen / in-process lemon & ginger tea / the indoor tent and projected movies with some friendly felines.

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